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Storkamp Florist Supply  --  9255 Wellington Lane   --  Maple Grove, MN    55369
Phone: 612.425.3599   Fax: 612.425.9246   Email: ROGSTOR@AOL.COM
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       Wreaths come in two basic shapes, round and heart shaped.

SFSheartWreath.jpg (107728 bytes)

SFSroundWreaths.jpg (42726 bytes)

large wreath.jpg

Click on a picture to see a close-up
Sizes and wholesale prices are as follows:
4" Birch Wreath--------------$ 1.00
6" Birch Wreath--------------$ 1.50
10" Birch Wreath-------------$ 3.00
14" Birch Wreath-------------$ 4.50
18" Birch Wreath-------------$ 6.00
24" Birch Wreath-------------$ 9.00
36" Birch Wreath-------------$15.00

8" Birch Heart----------------$ 3.00
14" Birch Heart---------------$ 6.00
18" Birch Heart---------------$ 9.00
28" Birch Heart---------------$12.00
Direct all questions, comments or orders to:
Phone:  (612)  425  3599     or
Fax:      (612)  425  9246     or
E mail:   Rogstor@aol.com