Ilex   Aquifoliacea  Holly 



Description: Ilex or Holly, a genus of about 400 species evergreen and eiciduous shrub

Foliage: Hollies a valued foremost for their foliage which is typically prickley, but some a smooth and do not have even a single spine.
Misc. info: Most hollies are diocecious and therefore require both male and females plants to bear fruit.  Hollies are noted for there showy berries. A male for every 10 females is a good ratio.
Site: Hollies thrive in a wide range of well drained soils in full sun or part shade..  Moist, well mulched sites are preferred.
Blue Boy / Blue Girl   ww
Blue Princess / Princess   Small to medium sized shrub, the male has purple-tinged stems, with the female having glossy green leaves with numerous red berries
China Boy / Girl   A little hardier than the blue princess and can make a shrub up to 10' tall. the female counterpart has shiny green foliage and abundant fruit
Greenleaf American   Also a medium sized shrup that has glossy green foliage and abundant red berri