Rosina Helsel
Born: October 24, 1933
Rosina is the wife of Dale Helsel, daughter of Ruth and Dominic Scotti, Mother and stepmother of the following: Mike Helsel, Patricia Davison, Terry Momyer, Nancy Strain, Debra Shank, Michael Wilson, Gerry and Jerry Helsel.
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more picture with Rosina in them:
Dale Rosina and Matthew - 1978
Dale & Rosina & teddy - Rosina's 50th birthday - 1983
Dale and Rosina- Dales 50th birthday-1980
Dale and Rosina - Dale's 50th birthday w/cake
Dale's 50th blowin out candles w/ Rosina near - 1980
Gloria Norma and Rosina - 1994
Gloria Norma Rosina w/Ruth and Dominic Scotti