Printing these pictures may not produce the results of a nicely shot picture with a very good camera.  Some pictures are shot with bad cameras or cameras with bad settings, light, film etc.  Some picture just fade over time while other suffer some abuse.   Some have been taped in an album, been through a fire and touched many, many times over long periods of time.  On top of all that, almost all the photos have been intentionally slightly distorted.   You may wonder why.  Its to make them load faster on your computer.  Also, files are in jpeg format which is the best way to deliver them for speed.  Let's face it-do you really want to wait forever for the picture to load or would you prefer to load many pictures in just a couple to a few moments?

Anyway, I have the same pictures in their originally scanned or highest resolution for with the picture was taken.  Some pictures may be 35mm quality digital and will make an excellent photograph on Picture printers like the Epson PictureMate printer (which is what i use).  But rest assured if the picture is fuzzy are has damage on the screen, it will print like that.  Original file doesn't always change quality of what you see, but may change a great quality picture even more.

Caution:  Some original files may be very large and might not email.  For instance the picture upload on my site has a limit of a 1 megabyte picture.  I also only accept jpeg formatted pics.   Some email servers only allow so many megabytes in your inbox. 

Email me if you have a question about a particular picture.

To inquire about a picture>>>>>>Right click on the picture, Left click on Properties.   When the properties window opens. copy the picture's URL.  That's the line that begins with http://www. and so on.     This may be a very long URL and may take up 2 lines of text but copy the whole URL.  Highlight the URL by moving the curser anywhere on top of the URL, then right light once.  Once the URL is highlighted move the curser back on top of URL anywhere then right click the mouse once.  A new window will appear probably only giving you 2 choices of what you can do.  click on the choice: Copy.   You are done. you have successfully copy the URL to the clipboard.  Don't copy anything else or turn off comp until you have emailed the URL to me.   Copying anything will replace the URL with the next thing copied and so on. 

Now open the email (if its not already open) and when you have the curser at the spot in the email you'd like to paste the URL >>>>Right click then choose Paste.  On choose the paste icon on the tools bar in Outlook (for example).  Or you can use Edit then Paste from the Software menu.

Copying and pasting this URL is the sure way to insure that i know the picture you are inquiring about.  I will check my master disk and see if there is indeed a higher resolution copy and answer your email.  Give me a few days to respond.


I hope I answered your questions.