by plant name: Type any part of a plant name into the box and click
you can use:
the common name, i.e.
Latin name (botanical or taxonomic) i.e.
Cultivar name, i.e. ilex x meserveae 'Blue
ilex = genus, x meserveae = species, 'Blue Prince'
= cultivar
More results will be displayed if you type in the plant type name instead of the
(i.e. "holly" rather than "Blue Prince Holly" or
"juniper" instead of "canaartii juniper"
Searching by keyword: Type
in a word(s) that might be familiar with the plant you are looking for.
Narrow your search by choosing a word pertaining to the plant you are looking for
but be prepared for more results this way. for instance
"rose" is a common name for a shrub but it is also a
color. Keyword searching searches all the fields in the database.